Live for creation
In my practice, I observe the world around me in an attempt to generate a reality that is completely open to my interpretation. I intuitively explore all possible forms of personal myths, where a deep sense of loneliness and chthonicity paradoxically combines with genuine joy, which is the main structure of my works.

The theme of my research is the experience of self-identification and the search for the true essence of each of us. This is deeply personal for me, since I have existed in someone else's skin almost my entire life. In my work on projects, I try to show reflection on personality through irony and open honesty with myself.

Limits are illusory, rules are ridiculous, critics are made up. Live by your own laws and do great things.

My visual language strives to convey the feeling of dreams and memories: something fragile and elusive - an image with a clear meaning and feelings, but crumbling before we are ready to grasp it. Its fragility and at the same time piercing causticity become a line connecting our past, present and future.

Art for me is a form of philosophy, anchoring thought for all to see and offering frank dialogue. Being a closed person all my life, with the help of art I open the possibility for relationships with every person around.

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